I hate to be that person but I am so thankful Christmas is over! I took down the tree and decorations today and it finally feels like life can get back to normal. Don't get me wrong, we had a great Christmas and Santa was very, very good to us all, but it is nice to be rid of the extra clutter that comes with the season. Also this year I learned a very important lesson, don't buy your kid more toys than you have room for! I am still looking for homes for all the stuff Tiny got!
Now on to the meat and potatoes of my post... or at least the potatoes!
I was at Homegoods about two weeks ago checking out the gourmet food aisle where I came upon some good finds. You can find some great sauces or glazes if you look hard. I picked up some Spicy Ketchup, at the time I had no idea what I was going to do with it but knew something would come up.
I opened the fridge looking for a quick snack and found nothing, I closed the fridge and noticed a bag of russet potatoes and somehow instantly thought of my ketchup and decided to make some homemade french fries.
They were amazing! The perfect fry. I like mine with a little crunch and these had it! This isn't anything more than a brag post. I have no real tutorial, or skill. I cut two potatoes, tossed in olive oil, spread it out on a pan and lighted dusted salt and garlic salt. Cooked at 450 for 30 minutes and that was it! I had a quick delicious treat. I fed most of them to my dogs which I know sounds awful but it was better them eat fries than me!
My plan is to try some different dipping sauces because I think this would make a great appetizer or snack food. I am thinking of putting them out for Tiny's bday party (which is only about 6 weeks away!!!!)
Mmmm! Totally making these :) And now I'm on the hunt for this ketchup!