I absolutely love my kids' names. LOVE them.
They aren't named after anyone. They weren't suggestions from anyone else. They were just names we thought fit them.
Clara I could have sworn was going to be Catherine Marie, or Maria Catherine. Then we found ourselves, on Valentines Day morning with Clara Rose. I spent 9 months trying to come up with a name that started with a C or an M because Mike and I have the same initials so I thought it would be cute if our kids did. (of course at the time I just assumed we would be having a Mike III one day)
Of course once her name was Clara she BECAME a Clara. Meaning that when you meet her you pretty much just think her name couldn't be anything else.
Now Hudson was a little different. We were fairly certain about Hudson ahead of time. Of course we didn't breath a word about baby names to each other until we even knew what we were having. We were not about to spend any time arguing over names when it may have been a moot point. Even when we knew Hud was going to be a boy I desperately wanted Mike III (which i was of course going to call him Trip for triple, yes cheesy I know, but i still love it) and Mike really wanted Henry. I think Henry is one of those names you either love or you hate. I just wasn't feeling it.
Most people know we referred to Hudson as Huebie throughout the pregnancy. That of course came from the endless nights of Mike reading me names off of baby name websites. I think he was a little stuck on H's and one night he offered up Heubert. I of course looked at him and very sarcastically said, "Yes, you finally found the name for our son. Lets call him Heubert!" Hence Huebie.
When we did decide on Hudson we knew our parents weren't going to be fans. It wasn't ethnic enough for my side of the family and it wasn't traditional enough for Mikes. Anyone who has ever named a child, or a fish for that matter, knows that EVERYONE has an opinion. Those opinions once implanted in your mind are extremely hard to shake. So when we decided we both actually liked Hudson I didn't want to hear any comments from anyone.
I love to use this example: It is like wedding dress shopping. No matter how much you absolutely love a dress, if you put the dress on and your mom doesn't like it, you won't get it. That is just how it goes. It gets in your head!
Keeping Hudson's name a secret was the best decision ever. I will never share a baby name before the baby again. (of course now that I have boy and a girl I think I want to be Team Green the next go around) My mom was the first to meet Hudson and we told her his name about 1 minute after he was born and she was seeing him for the first time. This was the perfect time to break the news because she was so into her first grandson she could have cared less what we named him. Plus he was here and we made the decision so she had to at least pretend like she liked it! And of course just like with Clara now that he is a Hudson, you can't imagine anything else.
Now the worst of the comments we have received is that Hudson reminds some people of the department store. Not really anything I even remotely care about. Someone asked me if we were from New York, due to the Hudson River, which I think is a little stretch. Besides even if I was, I would think that would be cause to NOT name him Hudson. Oh well.
I will however say I overlooked one small small snag. Both of his names are first or last names. He could easily be Taylor Hudson. I realized this about a week ago when I had to make a doctor appointment and the secretary was totally confused. She was like oh its in the computer wrong let me change this and I was trying to explain that Hudson IS his first name.
When I was 16 I was convinced I would have a girl named Regina and a boy named Parker.
Those names are totally unfitting of my children.