Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 31!

Well I did it! Haha, not that it is really that huge of a thing, but I committed to posting something everyday for a month and I did!

I know sometimes it wasn't that interesting, but thats life.

I have to admit it was a pretty good month for me personally. I really started making myself a priority and it feels good. I mean my kids are my priority but I started making time for me and getting my life back in order.

In jest, Mike asked me last night if I can't wait to have another baby... I looked at him and said YES I can wait!

I love what being pregnant means but I hate actually being pregnant. There is no glow, you feel gross, and nothing fits.

In the past month I have made working out a priority and it is really starting to pay off. I have been seeing the numbers on the scale go down consistently, and more importantly I have so much more energy. I got pregnant with Hudson when Clara turned one, so over the summer when Clara was majorly on the move I was exhausted. I would be tired just looking at her. It feels good to be able to keep up with her.

I wish I could say I have gone a whole month without fast food. I almost did it. This past weekend Mike wanted some late night Taco Bell. I got what was my regular order, chicken quesadilla with a soft taco. I ate the soft taco and felt guilty so I never ate the quesadilla. So as a Wendy's regular this was a pretty big deal for me. One tiny soft taco in 31 days is a big deal!

I never ended up cleaning my craft room. I wish I had, but the room is in the basement and it has cement floors. It is MISERABLY cold in there. When I do I will post it. Just because I love my area and want to show it off... when it is clean. I think Mike wants me to clean it even more than me and he doesn't even have to look at the mess. I have recently moved my sewing operations out into the kitchen area of the basement and it isn't really conducive to a 2 year old.

Hudson is almost 11 weeks old and totally awesome. He smiles all the time not to mention has been sleeping through the night for a few weeks.

Clara is going to be 2 in exactly 14 days. How 2 years have gone by I have no idea. As I am sitting typing this Clara is sitting next to me brushing her teeth with a wet toothbrush, no paste, watching a show about spelling and repeating the sounds after they do on TV.

I have so many things I want to get done in the next few months and I think I'm going to turn the blog into kind of a photo journal. Trying to just take some pictures and notes of what we have going on. Kudos to people who can make a job out of blogging. It is too much work for me, and it was hard enough for 30 days.

A hungry little man is calling for me so I must go! I will probably post again tomorrow... its kinda nice knowing I don't have to though! ;)

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