Saturday, March 3, 2012

Digital Photography

Lets talk about digital photography.

The year was 2003 and I NEEDED a digital camera.

"Well Christina why didn't you just get one?"

I will tell you why... because NO ONE had them at the time.

Seriously, as little as 10 years ago digital cameras were not the norm. My husband and I were dating at the time and he had bought me this fantastic Minolta camera. It of course took film. I was that person that would use up a whole roll of film in an hour and then run to the nearest 1-hour photo to have my pictures developed. THANK GOD I was smart enough at the time to spend the extra money to get cd's of my pictures as soon as that option was available so all the pictures I took throughout college are safely stored away and on my external hard drive.

I remember begging and pleading with my parents. Explaining to them that this was the most important piece of technology I would ever own.

"But Mom I can take unlimited pictures!"

"But Dad I could just print them myself!"

I really worked hard to sell this digital camera idea.

Then I got one. Holy hell what was I thinking! This is a picture taken on that camera. It is of Mike and I at the Kentucky Derby (Remember that post about the bratty girl at the gym... well check out my bod here girlie!)

This picture is like 2.5 megapixels. I have a bunch of pictures and the resolution is just awful!

Now the spoiled brat I am, my lovely husband got me (read us) a DSLR which I absolutely love! We got it at Christmas in 2008 so I think it is gonna be time to start asking for a new one pretty soon ;)

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