Friday, March 9, 2012

My First Mickey Experience...

The countdown is on for Disney World... We are going to be spending a week in Orlando and at least one day at the park and I am VERY excited about this. Clara has been really into Mickey and Minnie lately so I am very interested in how her first encounter with them will go!

Which brings me to today's picture, the first time I met Mickey... sorta.

This is me at my 4th birthday party. Someone had the bright idea to have a total creeper put on a wannabe Mickey Mouse head and surprise me. As you can see I was less than thrilled...

In all fairness I don't exactly remember the birthday party, BUT I do have a good story that is kinda related...

So somehow I was slowly convinced that Mickey wasn't all that bad and he gave me these two little plastic figurines... one of Mickey and one of Minnie. (Good job getting a picture of me actually receiving said items!)

I have this memory of being at preschool and this kid had the same exact little figurines. I can't say if I remember thinking they were mine, or if I straight up stole them from this kid but I had them in my cubbie. I remember the teacher finding them and sending me to the principle! Imagine a 4 year old getting sent to the principle's office. I remember them calling my mom, or me calling her and telling her what happened.

I wish I could say it was totally useless to have a four year old call her parents... but hey I remember it so who knows.

I also wish I could say that the only reason I cry at birthdays is because of giant scary men dressed as rodents but that really just isn't true...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Way too much information.

This is a picture from the first night I met my husband... sorta.

It is a two part story and the second part doesn't really have to do with this picture but I will share it anyways :)

So in the summer of 2001, after having graduated high school, the cool thing to do was go out to downtown Pontiac. A totally safe place for a couple of super white suburban girls to go hang out! This particular night we were going to Clutch Cargos.

We met at my bff Mary Kate's house to get ready and this is a picture her mom took of us right before we headed out the door. I desperately wish this was a full length picture so you could see the pants Mary Kate is wearing. They were the infamous zebra print pants and basically the main character of this story.

So if you can believe it I use to think it was totally cool and acceptable to "wait in line" at the bar. So there we were, waiting in line when these two idiot guys come up and stand in line behind us. One of the idiots was very interested in Mary Kate's zebra print pants and felt the need to talk to us about it. The guys were cute enough but definitely not that memorable. We got in the bar and and the idiot guys had followed us in and eventually I think they were dancing with us. The blonde guy was talking to MK and the other guy was being "that guy." You know the one who tries to dance with you even though you aren't really feeling it, at all. They were both pretty obnoxious but hey we were 18, they were guys showing some interest so we went with it.

I spent the next two years of my life not realizing that Mary Kate had actually exchanged "aim" screen names with the blonde guy. He went to Western and they talked a little but nothing really came of it.

Part two.

In college I had a good friend whose hometown was about 20 minutes from mine. We both were home at the beginning of summer and he invited me to a party at a high school friend of his' house. I asked if I could bring a friend (enter Mary Kate) and we went. We walk in and MK notices the blonde guy from the bar.

We all talk and joke around, and turns out these two guys are the very same two guys we met in line two years earlier at the bar.

Remember the obnoxious guy that was trying to dance with me... I started dated him.

Now here we are, 10 years later... and I married the creepy guy from the bar.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Teddy Rupskin

If you didn't have a Teddy Rupskin when you were little get on the phone with child protection services and tell them your parents basically mentally abused you as a child.

Luckily for me I did have one. I got it for Christmas. (technically it came for me AND tone-dog but whatevs)
I wish I knew how long this magical talking bear actually lasted in our household but I have a feeling it wasn't very long.

While Teddy's body was still very much intact, and he continued to "play" the tape that was inserted in his back, his very essence was taken from him far too soon.

I remember us being in the car with him and Anthony and I decided that it would be hilarious if we fed Teddy peanuts. His mouth moved up and down and naturally we thought, "Hey he could totally chew these peanuts!"

Well he couldn't. In fact you might say he was allergic to peanuts. I'm sure while trying to bite down he popped a spring or something and his "jaw" stopped working. He was no longer able to move his mouth as he read.

Poor Teddy.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Remember that Juvenile song "She Get It From Her Mamma?" (don't pretend like you don't)

Well I was going to copy and paste the lyrics until I actually ready them and decided it was in my best interest not to.

Obviously this is from my wedding day. It was perfect. At the time no one in the world could have talked me into it, but considering I got married in November I really wish I would have worn a drew with long sleeves...

Like my mamma...

and her mamma!

If you were wondering where my good looks come from, now you know :)

Halloween Winner

If you were wondering what a contest winning Halloween costume looks like... you're welcome.

We were living in Florida and I think I am 7 in this picture. Yeah I know, every little girl was a witch at least once.

Well I was a witch with actual moss for hair. Moss grows in abundance in florida and my mom no joke went out into the backyard and pulled moss off a tree and convinced me to walk around with it like a wig.

I can't remember if was at the high school or just at the community center, but I remember going to a huge auditorium for this costume contest. There were pictures, candy, and then there were winners for the best costume.

It was easily the closest I will ever come to a toddlers and tiaras type moment in my life. There was different categories and over all winners. They called off numbers and I won first place for my age group and my prize... $50 gift certificate to Walmart.

I have no idea what I bought with the money just that I won it.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Digital Photography

Lets talk about digital photography.

The year was 2003 and I NEEDED a digital camera.

"Well Christina why didn't you just get one?"

I will tell you why... because NO ONE had them at the time.

Seriously, as little as 10 years ago digital cameras were not the norm. My husband and I were dating at the time and he had bought me this fantastic Minolta camera. It of course took film. I was that person that would use up a whole roll of film in an hour and then run to the nearest 1-hour photo to have my pictures developed. THANK GOD I was smart enough at the time to spend the extra money to get cd's of my pictures as soon as that option was available so all the pictures I took throughout college are safely stored away and on my external hard drive.

I remember begging and pleading with my parents. Explaining to them that this was the most important piece of technology I would ever own.

"But Mom I can take unlimited pictures!"

"But Dad I could just print them myself!"

I really worked hard to sell this digital camera idea.

Then I got one. Holy hell what was I thinking! This is a picture taken on that camera. It is of Mike and I at the Kentucky Derby (Remember that post about the bratty girl at the gym... well check out my bod here girlie!)

This picture is like 2.5 megapixels. I have a bunch of pictures and the resolution is just awful!

Now the spoiled brat I am, my lovely husband got me (read us) a DSLR which I absolutely love! We got it at Christmas in 2008 so I think it is gonna be time to start asking for a new one pretty soon ;)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Glamour Shots?

Remember when Glamour Shots was the cool thing to do. (Like that one year in 1991)

Well I never did it, I think I was old enough to want to, but too young to successfully beg my mom to let me do it.

This is probably what my "look" would have been like.

We were living in Tennessee and my bff at the time was this girl Jennifer who lived down the street. (Unfortunately I don't have a picture of this, but my main memory of her was making up dances to Amy Grant songs in her garage!)

Anyway, for Jennifer's birthday we went to the salon and got make-overs. Make-up, and hair, I think even my nails. This was big time considering I was like 8 or 9.

Seriously I look like a small prostitute in mom jeans. I remember walking in the house and my mom laughing hysterically at me and then taking my picture. The eyeshadow was outrageous and I actually remember feeling super uncomfortable with the look. My hair felt about 10x bigger than it looks in the picture!

Here is to hoping that perms don't make a comeback... ever!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March Madness

So I have been wanting to blog about something but just couldn't figure out what. I could indulge you with the everyday crazy that is my family but honestly it is hard to judge what to share. I assure you I find my family a million times more amusing than you will find them.

Then it hit me!

March Memory Madness! (catchy title huh?)

Basically just for fun I am going to post a bunch of pictures I have and kind of tell a small story about whatever memory I have associated with that picture.

You should be totally impressed by this... its gonna catch on to the blog world, trust me!

This is the picture that prompted my idea.

Its funny that this would be the picture I use because you can't see anything in it. It is an awful picture.

I am fairly certain this picture leads to one of my first memories. I imagine I was 4 in this picture, maybe even 3. We were living in Detroit and Anna wasn't around so I know I was younger than 5. I don't remember why but I know my parents were having a party or at the least family over. My Grandma Hernandez had brought me a present and let me open it. It was the nightgown I'm wearing and it came with this pink bunny stuffed animal. I remember her giving it to me and then I went in the back room/area and my grandma was very excited to have me put on my new nightgown. I know that doesn't seem like much, but for me it is a lot. My grandma passed away when I was 5 so the memory bank in that department is fairly empty. In my mind I can very distinctly remember this happening and see it. I think maybe because she passed away while I was so young I held on to this because I don't really have any other memories of her.

Looking at this picture and being reminded of the events that took place made me think that I should jot down some other small picture memories while I'm still young(ish) enough to remember them!

(ps check out my friend I took to school with me on halloween!)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 31!

Well I did it! Haha, not that it is really that huge of a thing, but I committed to posting something everyday for a month and I did!

I know sometimes it wasn't that interesting, but thats life.

I have to admit it was a pretty good month for me personally. I really started making myself a priority and it feels good. I mean my kids are my priority but I started making time for me and getting my life back in order.

In jest, Mike asked me last night if I can't wait to have another baby... I looked at him and said YES I can wait!

I love what being pregnant means but I hate actually being pregnant. There is no glow, you feel gross, and nothing fits.

In the past month I have made working out a priority and it is really starting to pay off. I have been seeing the numbers on the scale go down consistently, and more importantly I have so much more energy. I got pregnant with Hudson when Clara turned one, so over the summer when Clara was majorly on the move I was exhausted. I would be tired just looking at her. It feels good to be able to keep up with her.

I wish I could say I have gone a whole month without fast food. I almost did it. This past weekend Mike wanted some late night Taco Bell. I got what was my regular order, chicken quesadilla with a soft taco. I ate the soft taco and felt guilty so I never ate the quesadilla. So as a Wendy's regular this was a pretty big deal for me. One tiny soft taco in 31 days is a big deal!

I never ended up cleaning my craft room. I wish I had, but the room is in the basement and it has cement floors. It is MISERABLY cold in there. When I do I will post it. Just because I love my area and want to show it off... when it is clean. I think Mike wants me to clean it even more than me and he doesn't even have to look at the mess. I have recently moved my sewing operations out into the kitchen area of the basement and it isn't really conducive to a 2 year old.

Hudson is almost 11 weeks old and totally awesome. He smiles all the time not to mention has been sleeping through the night for a few weeks.

Clara is going to be 2 in exactly 14 days. How 2 years have gone by I have no idea. As I am sitting typing this Clara is sitting next to me brushing her teeth with a wet toothbrush, no paste, watching a show about spelling and repeating the sounds after they do on TV.

I have so many things I want to get done in the next few months and I think I'm going to turn the blog into kind of a photo journal. Trying to just take some pictures and notes of what we have going on. Kudos to people who can make a job out of blogging. It is too much work for me, and it was hard enough for 30 days.

A hungry little man is calling for me so I must go! I will probably post again tomorrow... its kinda nice knowing I don't have to though! ;)

Monday, January 30, 2012

just another monday

I find myself again, at midnight, with nothing much to say. I just put Hudson down next to me and I can hear him grunting a little, and I am hoping he is just settling in.

I wish I had something great to write about seeing as this is my penultimate NaBloPoMo post... but I don't.

I went to the gym, came home for lunch and nap time, went to the craft store, made dinner, relaxed, and now time for bed.

I don't have any hilarious stories, and nothing particularly funny happened today. At least nothing out of the ordinary. I mean Clara is the craziest, funniest kid ever. I laugh with her all day long... when I'm not yelling at her.

I'm not hating the snow right now, mostly cause it is the first we have really seen of it all year long... but i am so ready for this summer. I'm excited to spend time up north. Working out lately is giving me a ton of energy and it kinda stinks being stuck inside.

For now it is time for this girl to get to bed!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

I sewed fabric together successfully!

Ok so it isn't exactly the first time. I know how to sew. I have done some quilting, but never clothes. I had some scrap fabric from a few years ago and found a pattern that seemed fairly easy so i gave it a try.

It actually came out pretty decent. I mean, at least better than I thought. It was the first time I did a gathering stitch (it is what gives the ruffle look on the skirt) so that was a bit of trial and error but it will be hidden under a sash so it came out more than good enough. Plus it only took about 4 hours total so that is right up my ally... probably could have taken two hours if I didn't have a 2 year old asking for me to put on Caillou every 5 minutes...

I wish i had a picture of this on Clara to show you. The girl HATES dresses. she basically melted to the floor in a full on fit and it just wasn't going to happen. I think this pattern would be fun to try for some other things. Like if someone has a bday party with a theme I could make her a dress just for fun. It only used about half a yard of fabric for 2T so that was nice too.

On a completely unrelated topic... here is my favorite little guy, doesn't he have the sweetest little smile! :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

drinks = vacation

So it took a bottle of wine and some makers mark, but at around 11:00 tonight Mike and one of his BFF's decided that along with their other BFF we were going to try and plan a vacation.

Now I know what you are thinking, yeah yeah i do that to. I have a few drinks and make big plans.

Well you don't know these guys. When they get an idea they make it happen.

So while it is disgusting and dreary out right now, I'm off to bed to dream about a house on the ocean in North Carolina April/May.

keeping busy

So technically I missed a day. It is 12:19 am on the 28th. I say that since I haven't gone to bed the day isn't over and this still counts!

I meant to post earlier but I am sewing a party dress for Clara. It is actually looking like it is suppose to so that is pretty cool. I wanted to be done today to post it but that just wasn't happening. I didn't want to rush it so it will have to wait till tomorrow.

Other than I don't have much to say, just a pretty basic day around here.

Until tomorrow...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

What to do after next week

So I was thinking about if I want to commit to my blog after the month is up and I'm actually toying with the idea of doing some kind of picture journal for a year. I know that sounds like quite the goal to set, but after yesterday and today I feel like there are so many things that seem simple and everyday right now that I want to remember in the future.

With that said today was pretty basic but also lots of fun. We went to ikea for lunch and then just hung out home the rest of the day.

Clara got a hold of my iPod and decided to take some pictures... thanks to her I know have about 20 pictures of her feet!

Hanging out with Papa in the basement.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Today we partied like it was 1985.

"Peas Mommy, Peas."

"I do it."

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Thoughts on Baby Names

I absolutely love my kids' names. LOVE them.

They aren't named after anyone. They weren't suggestions from anyone else. They were just names we thought fit them.

Clara I could have sworn was going to be Catherine Marie, or Maria Catherine. Then we found ourselves, on Valentines Day morning with Clara Rose. I spent 9 months trying to come up with a name that started with a C or an M because Mike and I have the same initials so I thought it would be cute if our kids did. (of course at the time I just assumed we would be having a Mike III one day)

Of course once her name was Clara she BECAME a Clara. Meaning that when you meet her you pretty much just think her name couldn't be anything else.

Now Hudson was a little different. We were fairly certain about Hudson ahead of time. Of course we didn't breath a word about baby names to each other until we even knew what we were having. We were not about to spend any time arguing over names when it may have been a moot point. Even when we knew Hud was going to be a boy I desperately wanted Mike III (which i was of course going to call him Trip for triple, yes cheesy I know, but i still love it) and Mike really wanted Henry. I think Henry is one of those names you either love or you hate. I just wasn't feeling it.

Most people know we referred to Hudson as Huebie throughout the pregnancy. That of course came from the endless nights of Mike reading me names off of baby name websites. I think he was a little stuck on H's and one night he offered up Heubert. I of course looked at him and very sarcastically said, "Yes, you finally found the name for our son. Lets call him Heubert!" Hence Huebie.

When we did decide on Hudson we knew our parents weren't going to be fans. It wasn't ethnic enough for my side of the family and it wasn't traditional enough for Mikes. Anyone who has ever named a child, or a fish for that matter, knows that EVERYONE has an opinion. Those opinions once implanted in your mind are extremely hard to shake. So when we decided we both actually liked Hudson I didn't want to hear any comments from anyone.

I love to use this example: It is like wedding dress shopping. No matter how much you absolutely love a dress, if you put the dress on and your mom doesn't like it, you won't get it. That is just how it goes. It gets in your head!

Keeping Hudson's name a secret was the best decision ever. I will never share a baby name before the baby again. (of course now that I have boy and a girl I think I want to be Team Green the next go around) My mom was the first to meet Hudson and we told her his name about 1 minute after he was born and she was seeing him for the first time. This was the perfect time to break the news because she was so into her first grandson she could have cared less what we named him. Plus he was here and we made the decision so she had to at least pretend like she liked it! And of course just like with Clara now that he is a Hudson, you can't imagine anything else.

Now the worst of the comments we have received is that Hudson reminds some people of the department store. Not really anything I even remotely care about. Someone asked me if we were from New York, due to the Hudson River, which I think is a little stretch. Besides even if I was, I would think that would be cause to NOT name him Hudson. Oh well.

I will however say I overlooked one small small snag. Both of his names are first or last names. He could easily be Taylor Hudson. I realized this about a week ago when I had to make a doctor appointment and the secretary was totally confused. She was like oh its in the computer wrong let me change this and I was trying to explain that Hudson IS his first name.

When I was 16 I was convinced I would have a girl named Regina and a boy named Parker.

Those names are totally unfitting of my children.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Friends on the Interwebs

Confession : I met my BFF on in the Internet. Her name is Sheila, she enjoys wine, broadway, internet shopping, and long meaningful phone calls. :)

It is totally acceptable for people to meet their life partners on the internet so I really don't think there is anything wrong with this.

So anyone who has ever even thought about getting married knows about The Knot. It is the go to website for brides. Just getting to make a profile and enter your wedding date is exciting enough in the first week of your engagement.

What some people don't know is that after your days on The Knot there are follow up sites, The Nest for married life, and The Bump for pregnancy.

Well about 4 years ago I found myself looking for ways to waste time on the internet and came across The Nest. Here we had a bunch of recently married girls looking to chat about just that, being married.

Well after about a month there was going to be a get together at Mr. B's in Rochester Hills. A chance for all of us to meet in person. I figured why not, what did I have to lose!

Mind you I was at a very particular place in life. Recently married and living in an area where my best friends growing up had all left town. I really needed some girls in my life but was looking for people who shared the same mindset that I had. I wasn't looking to go out every weekend and get crazy, I wasn't looking to deal with drama from dating. I was looking for some friends I could rely on for friendship.

(as I am typing this Clara is trying to stick a nursing pad down Hudson's shirt! LOL)

So I went to Mr. B's not really knowing what I was getting myself into. I had no idea what these girls were going to be like but I was determined to put myself out there!

It was easily one of the best decisions of my life. I met three ladies, Sheila, Melissa and Renee who are now some of my dearest friends. How perfect of a situation to find yourself in when you meet women who were married the same time as you and then we were all pregnant at basically the same times. Through them I have had the opportunity to meet even more woman who have become close friends to me. We have even vacationed together when we went to Orlando! (Now that is true friends who deal with you when you are 6 months pregnant on vacation!)

As I said about 4 years has passed and to be honest none of us actually use The Nest anymore. We talk on the phone and see each other in person as often as our children and husbands allow. We make time for our Melting Pot ladies nights. The internet helped us meet each other but now its all us.

If you find yourself looking for some more female energy and you are willing to put yourself out there, it could definitely pay off.

I will leave you with one minor warning though... The Nest will cause you to get pregnant. Just FYI.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Potty Training Fail

Potty training was a bust.

Well actually it wasn't a bust because I never even tried.

Turns out I am way too selfish. I just can't give up 3 whole days. I have to much going on and truth be told I don't want to give up at least 2 trips to the gym.

They say it is vital to dedicate the first 3 days to only your child and being home all day. I just don't want to do that. Well half I don't want to and half I can't. We just have things going on and I want to get out of the house and things done. I wanted to go to the gym and go to Trader Joes today. Mike was home and could watch the kids and it was just too tempting.

We will get to it soon. I really really want to do it.... just when it works for me.

We just have so much going on in the next few weeks including Ms. Clara's 2nd birthday and the Hud-man's baptism.

I will leave you with a nice little picture. The other day I heated a bottle for Hudson and left it on the table for a minute while I was in the kitchen... all of a sudden I look up and Clara grabbed the bottle and started feeding her brother. She seriously loves the little guy :)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Popular on the Internet

It is so late and I am sitting at my computer for the first time all day!

I really don't have much to say so I thought I would share a little fun fact.

If you google "Chicken Cremosi" my blog is the very first site listed! I find this ridiculously amusing. It is a post I made a little over a year ago when Clara was under one and I got busy in the kitchen cooking. Click HERE for the post.

It is a meal on the menu at this quant little local Italian restaurant. (Well it was, until the mob style owners got pissed at this other pasta joint that opened up down the street. They beat up the owner of the new place and basically got run out of town)

I LOVE this meal. It is probably the most unhealthy meal ever but the sauce is heaven on a plate. I kinda messed around and altered some other recipes and came up with the perfect sauce.

I get tons of random hits all the time from people searching for the recipe.

It's kinda cool :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Healthy Chocolate Pie!

The Taylor house is on a mission... A mission to eat healthier.

Besides regularly working out (I am loving my two hours for a run and a shower while the kids are in the child care room) we are all trying to eat better.

I am using an app called My Fitness Pal which gives you a set amount of calories you can consume each day. It also has every food by brand imaginable in its database. Basically you enter what you eat during the day and the app counts the calories for you and let's you know how many you have left to stay on track.

Mike on the other hand is way better at eating healthy. He actually likes his vegetables while I continue to have the pallet of a 13 year old.

We both like our treats so I was determined to find something delicious and healthy. Boy did I find it!

Enter Chocolate Fudge Pie

It has chocolate, agave, vanilla, and.... TOFU!

I kid you not I actually made something with a whole brick of tofu in it, and it was delicious. I can't believe it either.

The picture doesn't even do it justice... Mike and I were so anxious we sliced into it way too soon. It should have chilled over night. I will definitely update the picture tomorrow.

Now this pie is 143 calories per slice. That is pretty amazing considering how good it tastes. Also in comparison, a traditional slice of chocolate mousse pie has 450 calories!

Seriously you just have to give it a try...

  • 1 package silken tofu
  • 1 tsp cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 Tbl milk
  • pinch of salt
  • 10 oz chocolate chips (about 1 and 1/3 cup)
  • 2-3 Tbl agave
All you do is melt the chocolate chips. Once the chocolate is melted, throw all the ingredients into a blender or food processor. Blend till smooth and then poor into your pie crust/tin and then throw it in the fridge for a few hours. (preferably overnight but 2 hours was good enough for me! I will wait longer next time though ;)


You have to admit the only thing better then a chocolate dessert, is a chocolate dessert that is low cal!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Step 1...

"We can have lots of fun."

Bonus points if you got that... double points if you sang it in your head upon reading the title.

Anyway, I have taken the first step in potty training clara. We bought a potty. Its cute, and pink, and she likes to look at. She also likes to take it from room to room with her, and stand on it.(it doubles as a step stool)

She doesn't, however, like to sit on it. I'm talking terrified.

Sunday is going to be the official day one of a three day process. It is technically called the Fellom method and it is potty training in 3 days.

The first step is buying the potty and putting it out,and getting you kid used to seeing it and sitting on it.

The actual training comes from a full day of no pants. Nothing. Just Clara and a shirt.

Thank goodness for the laminate floors! There are going to be a lot of accidents but they say the best way is to jump right in so thats what we are doing!

If this doesn't work they say to wait 6-8 weeks before trying again so we will give it shot...

Wish us luck!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wordless Wednesday... sorta.

Oh Detroit...

"Katie and Percival came to us front he Michigan Humane Society and it is not known where they were born. Percy was found in the basement of an abandoned house in Detroit. Katie was kept chained in the basement of a crack house and was surrendered after her owner threatened to shoot her."

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2 Months Today

Today was my little guys 2 month birthday.

It is truly one of those things where I can't believe 2 months have gone by, and at the same time I can't believe it has only been 2 months.

And for a fun little comparison here is Ms. Clara at 2 months.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Interesting first for Hudson

Today was Hudson's first Ophthalmologist appointment! He was pretty excited...

Now I'm sure you may be asking yourself what the heck the eye doctor is going to do with a 2 month old, it isn't like Hudson can read lines on an eye chart.

When we went to Hud's 1 month appointment his pediatrician noticed something around his pupils and took it upon herself to talk to an Ophthalmologist friend about it. Her friend suggested they give us a call, and have me bring Hudson in so she could look for herself.

Apparently the layer of the eye that the pigment is on normal stops at the pupil with a very jagged edge. Well, in Hudson's case he does not have that jagged edge, the pigment is actual over his pupil.

Now take this for what it is, I am going off of what we were told. The doctor said it should not affect his vision and that it is just an interesting case so we will keep an eye on it and do a follow up with Hudson is about 9 months.

In other news Mike and I went out for a fabulous dinner were we did in fact consume a whole bottle of wine! It was really nice and I definitely look forward to the next night out!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

January Trip to the Zoo

So I know it may be hard to believe... but the zoo was pretty empty today. :)

It was however, awesome.

So Friday Mike suggested we go to the zoo this weekend just to get out of the house. We have an annual membership so I figured if we got in and it was really miserable after 10 minutes... no biggie if we have to leave because we didn't pay to get in. (and my membership has already more than paid for itself!)

So we bundled up the kids in double pants, and triple tops, hats, gloves and headed out!

We were there for about 3 hours and Hudson never saw the light of day... he was bundled and double covered from the sun. He stayed nice and toasty and sleep the whole time. Clara had a great time.

It is funny how big of a difference it was going to the zoo in just the last few months. I think most of it was due to the face that in the summer the animals are almost always asleep or tired from the heat in the summer. We were there from 10:30-2:30 and the animals were not only awake they were moving around so much. I think it was easier for Clara to find them and stay interested.

Clara got to run around and play for a while in the Arctic Circle exhibit... which was nice because we got to stay inside for about 20 min.

Another major plus was that in the winter the giraffes are kept inside, so instead of looking out into the huge giraffe wilderness they were literally 2 feet away!

It was a great day all around. It was nice that Hud slept because it made the day all about Clara and I think she enjoyed that.

Once per winter is enough for me though. Can't wait to go back this summer!

An additional little treat (because it took me forever to find it on the computer) I have every intention of making an identical copy of this photo of me and Anthony, with Clara and Hudson one day! This was taken in front of the fountain at the Detroit Zoo about a hundred years ago...

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Trying to get crafty...

So I have really been wanting to make some kind of "subway art" project for Hudson's room. This is attempt number 1.
I made the print in photoshop, and it is 16x20. I was going to do something smaller and mat it, but then i just decided to make a border part of the print.

It is about $6 for a 16x20 print at Sams Club and I already have a great white frame from another failed project to use!

Slight problem... I don't love the colors. At least I don't think I do.

They are the exact RGB colors from Hud's bed set, and I like the idea of using them. But I am debating switching to a brown and tan because I think those colors will have a little more longevity.

Anway, I had a lot of fun playing with fonts and downloaded a ton of free fonts from this great website I found.

Looking forward to making Clara a fun Valentines Day one! Today is exactly one month till her 2nd birthday. I can't believe I am going to have a two year old!

Mike has a fun family day planned for tomorrow so I should have some nice pictures to share then!

Friday, January 13, 2012


I have nothing to post about today...

Kids are awesome.

Husband is awesome.

God is awesome.

It is funny how sometimes the things that you would imagine could make you lose your faith in God, can in fact make it stronger.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

An Open Letter...

An open letter to the 16 year old girl at the gym today.

I know she was 16 because her tshirt said "Class of 2013" (Which alone was enough to throw me over the edge! I graduated in 2001...)

I noticed your shimmery eye shadow and perfectly curled ponytail.

The cute kid on the treadmill next to me did not. I promise.

So why did you give me a look when I got on the treadmill between the two of you? A look like why was I even bothering. A look like, why didn't I have the time to put on my make up before going to the gym. Me in my yoga pants and detroit tigers tshirt, and you in your stupid little cheerleading shorts.

I was you before. Uh-huh. Only taller, and skinner. You want to know what the difference is between graduating in 2001 and 2013, I will lay it out for you.

I went to college where I gained the freshman 15.

I then broke up with my boyfriend junior year and lost it all plus some! I decided to spend more time in the gym instead of waiting to see if he got on AIM. AIM is what we spent hours avoiding homework with before Facebook... well that and Snood.

I then managed to graduate college which is where i gained the graduate 30. Which is when you live on your own and work a lot so you eat lots of take out and junk food.

Then I actually got a guy to marry me and gained the marriage 50. Which is where you start cooking too much food and then eating all of it!

After that I gained the Baby #1 100, followed by the Baby #2 200.

So here I am... roughly a million lbs heavier. But guess what little missy. I am on that damn treadmill for a reason.

So even though I was a slight arm movement away from doing the running man when Nsync came on my iPod... I was still running. Not to mention I ran for longer than you.

So enjoy your look of pity, because pretty soon I'm gonna get back to looking like you.

Ok, that will never happen.

I will get back in shape though... and my accomplishment will be much sweeter than the product of your 16 year old metabolism.

Thanks a bunch,
Class of 2001.

This pretty much sums it all up....

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I have no clever title...

Well I am still sick.

Hopefully this was the last day and I will wake up tomorrow and I will be back to 100%!

Thankfully I have perfectly imperfect children. When they are awake they tend to drive me crazy but when they sleep... angels.


Hudson is going on a week sleeping through the night. Yes. I said it.

He is on the identical schedule Clara was on. I wake him up around 10 and keep him up until midnight. I will tell you it is 100% easier to stay up late then to get up early! He goes down at 12 and wakes up around 7-7:30.

So with getting plenty of sleep at night I feel fairly refreshed during the day. My project list grows by the minute and my items crossed off stay at 1... I have managed to keep the house clean!

I will say that with two kids I have actually managed to become more productive than with one. Too much time is actually a bad thing when you are a stay at home mom. Yes we have our play dates, and the grocery shopping. When it was just Clara and I we hung out together. We would snuggle on the couch or play on the floor. When she went down for a nap I would eat lunch and relax. Always thinking that there was plenty of time to get things done later! I am a stay at home mom I always have tomorrow.

Well with two kids tomorrow never comes people. If one isn't attached to me the other is dragging me around to play. I have little time to clean up so I make the most of it. I keep the kitchen table clear of clutter because if i leave something on it Clara will no doubt run off with it. I have to keep the counters clean and the sink empty for my own sanity. The laundry has to get done because I know I won't have much free time tomorrow and the time i do have there will be a new load ready and waiting.

There is so much more to write and a fabulous friend gave me the idea to kind of do a break down of how actually have two kids is compared to how i thought it was going to go down so much more on that soon!

As for me it is 11:30, Hudson just went down to bed and so I am going to go enjoy my 7 hours of sleep ;) (ok you all know he is going to wake up at like 3am now!)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I am mobile!

I feel so hip because I just downloaded a blogger app and I can blog on my iPod (yes iPod not iPhone, I'm not that hip!)

So I have been meaning to say something on Facebook and typing right now just reminded me.

None of those super hilarious auto corrects are real.


I just tried to spell a bunch of dirty words and not once did the apple gods suggest vagina for Virginia.

Any who... Here I am trying to type on a little tiny keyboard when I could use my laptop.

But my laptop doesn't have the monopoly app!

Here is a lovely pic of my cat staring at me as I type. Her name is zumaya because she was sitting on the pitchers face in her cage at the humane society 5 years ago. Good thing naming my black cat after him wasn't the least bit unlucky!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Thought of the day

I have a massive head cold.

It's gross and unpleasant.

I have to stop trusting people at the gym to wipe down their own equipment when they are done and wipe it down myself before I start.

With that being said...

I have kinda been in a crappy mood lately but it doesn't change how grateful to God I am for everything I have. I once read or heard somewhere, "What if you woke up tomorrow with only the things you gave thanks for today."

I absolutely love that and think of it every single day. It is such a simple concept, and takes two seconds. I don't think God cares if I am in a hurry occasionally as long as I take time to give thanks.

I am thankful for my family, a roof over my head and food in my stomach.

You don't need much more than that!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Late Night Post Again...

Well here we are on Sunday night.

I am just sitting down to my computer at 11:07 for the first time pretty much all day. Hudson of course is wide awake laying in bed between Mike and I smiling and kicking away. Can't be mad at that :)

So remember that little task I gave myself to clean up my craft room?

That didn't happen...

I don't feel the slightest bit guilty thought. Maybe if I had sat around all weekend I would feel a bit bad about it. I clean a ton today. I cleaned the stove, washed the windows, dusted.

I am thinking about bringing back the cleaning schedule (here is a copy and paste from a post from two years ago!)

-Plan Menu
-Grocery Shop
-Clean Towels

-Dust entertainment center
-Clean Clara's Room
-Kids Laundry
-Master Bath
-Clean out fridge (i clean out the fridge on Mondays because our trash comes Tuesday)

-Guest Bath
-Steam living room floor
(I leave tuesday a light day because thats when I usually have plans)

-Vacuum Master Bedroom
-Clean Hudson's Room
-Change Sheets

-Wipe down cabinets (I have white cabinets so they get marks)
-Cat Litter
-Wipe down baseboards

-Vacuum Furniture
-Steam Living Room
-Steam Kitchen

Here is to hoping I don't have a case of the Mondays tomorrow and we can have a majorly productive week!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 7

So this whole blog post a day thing is hard!

I get to mess around and check Facebook on my phone but I swear I am holding a baby all day long, and when I'm not I am trying to tidy up around the house or throw in a load of laundry.

I attempted twice today to get in my craft room and clean... both times Hudson started screaming within 10 minutes. I got the desk cleared... so its a start! I gave myself the weekend so I haven't failed yet!

I wish i had something totally cool to post about.

I don't.

Not that being a mom makes me super boring all the time... just most of the time. I didn't get to go spend two hours at the movies. Or go out for a fancy dinner.

I have to admit the best two hours of the day were when I was at the gym. Kids were in the daycare, and I was alone with my iPod.

The rest of the day was spent juggling Hudson and Clara. Hud wasn't bad. Just awake.

I did have a hot date with these two...

Mike is off at his brother's watching the Lions game so I get a night of teenie bopper movies on netflex.

I love a good ABC Family made for TV movie :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Another day, another post.

Oh man is my little guy a mama's boy...

and he cries, a lot.

His crying is however usually cured easily, by me. Walking, swaying, bouncing.

I know, I know... all babies are like that.

Clara wasn't. Clara was the easiest baby ever! She was always happy. She never cared who was holding her, or if she was even being held. She loved her swing.

Hudson hates the swing.

She was sleeping through the night at about 4 weeks... perfection. Even now with her and the "terrible twos" sleep is no issue. For example tonight Mike simply said, "Clara ready for night night?" She stopped playing and went up stairs to her room. She cuddles under her blanket and without a peep goes to bed. We have our nights every once in a while, but 9/10 nights are easy peasy.

Hudson isn't doing too bad... at 7 weeks he gives me a solid 5-6 hours of sleep. Which if you haven't had kids and that sounds awful... those kind of numbers are gold! However when the kid is awake... he wants me nonstop.

I'm sure I sound awful. I know I should be cuddling him, and hugging him... but its not that easy. I have another kid, who needs food and attention too.

I was going to type about something else today but here I am at 11:20 just getting a chance to sit at my computer because Hudson has been wanting to be held since about 6:30. Yup, he has a 5 hour party time that just so happens to coincide with dinner and relaxing watching tv with Mike. I'm not going to lie, it doesn't make things easy. Needless to say I was inspired to write about something else...

But this too shall pass.

Right now I am sitting in bed with Hudson next to me... awake, but starting to lose steam. He is smiling a ton now which honestly does wonders to my morale... His smile is amazing. Super cute and not quite as goofy as his sister's were.

I'm sure you already saw this picture on my Facebook... but it is just too good not to share again. Hudson and I were just laying in bed together the other afternoon and he was putting on a show of smiles and I caught this one. Not the biggest smile he had but I think it was the cutest...

And for comparison... Ms. Clara at 7 weeks :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012


My name is Christina and I am a hoarder...

a Craft Hoarder.

I have the worst craft Hoarding problem. If you need it, I have it. I far too often end up double or triple buying things because I see them and can't remember if i already have them.

Thankfully the buying has stopped. Mostly because I don't see anything I don't already have, and a little because I have ZERO time to do any crafts.

Well interwebs people, maybe if I hold myself accountable to you, I will be more inclined to get something done.

Like cleaning my craft room. I have nothing going on tomorrow and lets see if i can get it cleaned up before the weekend is over!

Now from this picture you know I'm not even pretending to have things together. This is the real deal before picture, I didn't move one thing!

Including but not limited to:

-Desk area
- Sewing area
- Organizing shelfs
- Fabric collection
Now i know this isn't much of a post but i'm typing this mostly one handed as I am holding/rocking Hudson in the other.