Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Now that we have discussed what happened last year, time to discuss this year. I generally don't believe in new year's resolutions because the idea of just deciding to do something new or different for a whole year is so unattainable to me.

The difference for me is that having a baby and holidays came in one big lump. I had Hudson November 17th, and then the holiday season directly following. New Years for me is not the start of the new year, but the end of the holiday season. Time to get life back in order.

Facebook is nice. People get to see pictures of all the fun exciting things going on in your life. You get to tell everyone what you are up to by the minute. We all brag a little about how great things are going, or the cool things we are doing.

Posts like...
"Wow my kids are so awesome. My 3 day old baby sleeps through the night, and my 2 year old is already potty trained and reading Dr. Seuss. I have the most handsome, awesome, smart, funny husband. Tonight we are going out for a fabulous, amazing dinner where I will no doubt consume 2 bottles of very expensive wine!!! I am soooo lucky."
People rarely post....
"Today I want to shut myself in the closet. One of my kids is apparently deaf because she doesn't listen to a word I say, and the other has been crying for about 32 hours straight. I haven't showered in days, and there is no food in the house to cook for my stupid husband, who will be home late again unless he wants chicken nuggets and mac & cheese.... maybe I will at least change my pajamas."

That being said my life is far from as organized and relaxed as my Facebook may lead someone to believe! Life in our house has been out of control and it is time to get life back to normal. I feel like I let a lot of things get away from me because I was using being pregnant as an excuse. Then when I was no longer pregnant I legitimately had to deal with the craziness of a newborn baby, a 21 month old, the holidays, and life in general. I am pretty sure regardless of the New Year, 6 weeks post baby I would have this mentality :)

No more excuses!

So a few things I would like to get into the habit of doing...

-See my friends. I have been the worst friend for the last month! I need to start having some regular girl dates!

-Dinners. I want to get into the habit of planning my dinners for the week, shopping only for those things, and following through with it! Whenever I do this I feel so satisfied and proud of myself. In my mind having dinner under control equals being a super wife.

-Cleaning. I should clean more. I should clean better. I need to be better at the little things like dusting, baseboards, vacuuming the couch.

-Me time. I love to craft and sew but seem to have zero time to do it. Now i'm not going to kid myself that I am going to find the time to do it. I do however think that if I get everything else under control, my down time with the kids will at least give me the opportunity to do more of the things i enjoy around the house.

Alright that is enough of that!

Here is a nice little treat to hold you over until tomorrow, the Hud-man smiling!

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